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FOF #2463 – Gay Sex with Straight Men

For many gay men of my generation, we grew up thinking we weren’t just the only gays in the village, but in the whole world.

If we had any chance of sleeping with a guy, we thought he would have to be straight, not realizing gay guys come in all kinds of flavors.

Today, we take a look at the facts, fantasy and phenomena of gay men having sex with straight identifying men.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 2

FOF #2462 – Somebody’s Watching Me

Forget about Trump’s paranoia that Obama was spying on him through a microwave oven, the tech company We-Vibe just settled a $3.75 million class action lawsuit over storing information about users’ sex toy habits without their knowledge.

It just so happens our friend comedian Jeffrey Jay uses the smart vibrator to get intimate with his boyfriend over long distances, and now is wondering what to do with the settlement money.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2461 – Drag Wars: The Shade Awakens

You know Drag Race season is gearing up when you see fights breaking out all over social media on what is and what isn’t drag. Good god girl, get a grip: it’s all drag!

Today, drag queen Eva Styles joins us to take a look at some legendary and not so legendary fights drag queens have had over the years- from big names in the business to queens who just can’t keep their opinions in their purse.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 8 years ago 1

FOFA #1786 – Perfidia, the Queen of the Big Wig

It takes a village to dress a drag queen. Behind every fierce drag queen there’s an even fiercer queen helping her to look her best. For years Steven Perfidia Kirkham has styled wigs for some of Broadway’s biggest shows and many of your favorite drag queens and entertainers.

Today Perfidia, wig stylist to the stars, joins us to talk about all the glorious big wigs from Lady Bunny to RuPaul, and what it was like in the Wigstock and Club Kid scenes of the 90s.

FOF #2460 – Mixing Fruit Loops and Milk

Jordan Peele’s new satirical comedy horror film Get Out is so good that we had to do another another podcast about it!

The other day, we spoke to Zach Stafford, a black guy who finds himself in awkward situations with some of his white family, and today we’re joined by Meg Grunewald, a white gal who enjoys diversity in her romantic life, and whose parents are into hypnosis and brain surgery.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 2

FOF #2459 – Get Out Zach

Get Out, the exciting new film by comedian Jordan Peele takes a look at racism and the fetishization of black people by drawing on provocative elements from films like The Manchurian Candidate, The Stepford Wives and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Today, Zach Stafford, editor at large for OUT magazine joins us to talk about Get Out’s indictment of racism in America and was the film Moonlight robbed of its Oscar moment.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 1

FOF #2458 – World Clique

Despite all the amazing advances we’ve made as LGBT folks, many of us feel lonelier than ever. And even though the internet is tying us all together in unprecedented ways, a lot of these digital friendships are virtual and not brick and mortar relationships that stand the test of time.

Our guest today is a Cruise Director drag queen Alex Kay, who likes to pair up lonely folks at the bars so she doesn’t have to deal with their bullshit.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2457 – Up Past Bedtime

On the day that SNL writer Katie Rich was suspended for tweeting that the youngest son of the president “will be this country’s first homeschool shooter,” comedian Shannon Noll was just starting to promote a variety show that placed the boy as sympathetic character in the center of a political comedy.

Today, Shannon Noll joins us to talk to about the controversy of comedians poking fun at the president’s kids and how to handle the haters online.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2456 – Foul Language

Many of our guests, before we start recording, ask us if they can cuss on the podcast and we say “Hell yeah!” I mean F*ck yeah.” But, we discourage it anyway because as good as it feels to let it all out, cussing sometimes keeps people from speaking their minds.

Today, Brian Sweeney, who every other word is BEEEP joins us to take a look at taboo words, why everyone doesn’t agrees on what foul language is, and will newscasters in the future cuss like sailors?

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 3

FOF #2455 – I’m Not Mad at the Envelope, I’m Mad at Price Waterhouse Cooper

The 89th Academy Awards started with host Jimmy Kimmel asked everyone watching to reach out to one person they disagree with and make America great again.

But it all ended with a shocking twist, as presenter Faye Dunaway read the wrong envelope and announced La La Land instead of the real winner for the Best Picture, Moonlight.

Today we take a look at all the amazing moments of the 2017 Oscars you may have missed.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 0