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FOF #232 – Blowback on Brokeback

The repugnant idea that President George W Bush might be gay went across our minds yesterday when we saw the video where he is asked by a college student at a local university wether he […]

Posted in: Podcast 19 years ago 0

FOF #231 – Gay Slumber Party

It’s so much fun to invite your friends over, put on your prettiest, warmest, pajamas and play the game “Bananas in Pajamas.” Just kidding. About the Bananas in Pajamas, that is. On today’s special Martinicast […]

Posted in: Podcast 19 years ago 0

Cocktail: Organic Cosmopolitan

The Cosmopolitan traces its roots firmly in the mid 90’s in the peak of Madonna’s career where she was spotted drinking one at Dale DeGroff’s Rainbow Room club in New York City. It’s now considered […]

Posted in: Cocktails, Recipes 19 years ago 1

FOF #230 – Oracle of the Internet

One of our cutest and most lovable stalkers (who has now become an intern) Jeri Blankenship sends us via email cute cartoon drawings of us as animals. You see, Jeri loves animals and she loves […]

Posted in: Podcast, Uncategorized 19 years ago 0

FOF #229 – Gay Celebrities and their Dirty Rags

Girlfriend! Clay Aiken is in for a world of hurt. It seems that a guy he met on the internet pulled a Linda Tripp on him, and not only taped conversations over the phone, but […]

Posted in: Podcast 19 years ago 0

FOF #228 – When Pigs Glow

Lots of news about animals on today’s show. Pigs that glow, parrots that squeal, and horses that get their feelings hurt when they are told “you look gay.” Pictured on the right is probably one […]

Posted in: Podcast 19 years ago 0

FOF #227 – Golden Globes

Hillary Clinton’s comments made on Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday accusing the U.S. House of Representatives of being run like a plantation shocked and riled many people to think about race in ways they never […]

Posted in: Podcast 19 years ago 0

FOF #226 – Puertorican Rainforest Soundscape

One of the most beautiful sounds that comes out of Puerto Rico besides the music itself, is the ambient gorgeous sounds of the tropical rainforest. Full of life, the ears explode in a majestic lush […]

Posted in: Podcast, Soundseeing Tours 19 years ago 0

FOF #225 – Thank Goddess I’m a Gay Country Boy

As a gay young man living in the Appalachian mountains Jeff Mann was befriended and inspired by a group of lesbians to come out of the closet in a part of the world where there […]

Posted in: Books, Interviews, Podcast 19 years ago 0

FOF #224 – Leslie Hall, the Glitter Goddess

The keeper of “thy gems” Leslie Hall is without a doubt a HUGE internet phenomenon. Just about a year ago Leslie was one of our first interviews on our podcast, where she had started getting […]

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast 19 years ago 1