FOF #579 – Early Transcasting

Jul 30, 2007 · 1985 views

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Audio blogging? What’s that? In the early days of podcasting, before such a word even existed, there were many people out there posting audio files to their blog entries to illustrate the ideas they were […]


  1. RcktMan says:

    Fausto! You told me you weren’t going to tell anyone! What happens at the movies stays at the movies!! 🙂 Seriously though I had just a great time that night — broken projector and all.

    I really enjoyed the interview with Cole.. or is it Josh? Or is it Cole? I’m a little confused which name is right… which is it? In any case, I did enjoy hearing from him. It’s amazing to hear how much his voice has changed in such a (relatively) short amount of time!

    As for Charles Merrill– he deserves every F**K YOU that you gave him and more. What a jerk. That $60k could have benefited SO many organizations. What a true fool.

  2. Superboy says:

    Is this guy’s name Josh or Cole? I’m confused.

  3. coleftm says:

    Oy, so now that we’ve figured out I’m not a youth, I’ve left you with more confusion.
    I use my whole name: Joshua Bastian Cole, and i go by Cole or on the rare occasion, Bastian, but almost never Josh. I know it’s confusing because my webmaster put Josh Cole on my site. Need to fix that.
    But for tags or anything, I’m really more findable as Joshua Bastian Cole, J. Bastian Cole, or Bastian Cole. I haven’t gone by Josh since 2002.

    Also, I use only male pronouns.

    Sorry to confuse, but it’s not a big deal at this point, I guess. Josh Cole is close enough. 🙂

    Thanks for the opportunity! It was fun and really exciting! I hope some scared little transboy was listening and is now inspired! 🙂

  4. mandarin says:

    I’m not against Charles Merril at all! have a look at his art already and see what *good* he has done with his artistic statements. Money gets thrown left right and center…. and it could all go toward some charity or another, but lets see…we’re discussing this matter so therefore his statement did exactly what it was intended to: encourage debate. A job well done I say.

  5. RcktMan says:

    Thanks for clearing that up, Cole. 🙂 No harm done… and I think it’s great that you’re trying to get the message out to trans youth that it’s ok to be who you are, even if you’re not 100% sure what that is just yet. Keep up the great work!

  6. Grace says:

    Haha, Cole. I guess i could be that scared little transboy that was listening and is now inspired! : )

    It was cool to hear you on the show… hoping that one day I will be as studly a man as you are! hehe.

  7. Mandarin- Regarding burning the Koran- All it did was to encourage a decadent self-aggrandizing statement. If he really wants to promote the idea that the Koran is a homophobic text, the act of burning it just makes him look like a fundamentalist whacko (book burner) and not a rational person making a sensible argument.

    Burning books is for conservative fundamentalists jerks, not for me. The medium is the message, and in this case, his medium is burning books, which is a message of intolerance and hatred, as well as wasting $60,000 which is an arrogant message of decadence.

  8. mandarin says:

    I guess you have a thing about books =) because I don’t jump to that association Fausto! if I burn a book that preaches exactly what the fundamentalists use/twist/abuse to perpetuate their own agenda, does that make me a fundamentalist? because my views are quite liberal and progressive. They even encompass the freedom to burn ones own book 😉

    If you remove the word “decadent” and the “$60 000” does it change your opinion? I think the value is irrelevant.

    Seems that you’re a little quick to throw labels such as fundamentalist whacko, and assert that burning books is only for conservative fundamentalists… I might just have to go burn a T-Shirt in protest at this closed mindedness! (only joking of course)

  9. mandarin says:

    I heard the response from Pat Robertson was that ‘they’ will probably issue a fatwa on him.
    If he had simply sold it like you suggested and used the profits for charity: great, I agree…but it wouldn’t have been news worthy I bet.
    It can be seen as the ultimate censorship (I agree that’s just as bad as what repressors do) or it can be seen as a successful (sensational) political stunt.

  10. Mike J says:

    Cisco? Seriously Fausto? I thought Janeway was the best Captain.. But if I had to work under one of them, I’d pick Archer. He seemed like everybody’s friend. Picard seemed too rigid and unapproachable, while Kirk was dangerous and erratic.

  11. Superboy says:

    Josh Cole has the same initials as Jesus Christ. Think about it.

  12. mandarin says:

    if *only* religion were that interesting =) =)

  13. Superboy and Mandarin – I’m actually Jewish. But my initials are the same as JC Chasez and no, that is not a coincidence.

  14. Lukas says:

    I was on a plane listening to this episode…and when you read that letter and added “and please Sir…could I have some more?” I almost died.

    Very funny. Good work.

  15. Zoomer says:

    To Cole:
    Heard your interviews on Feast of Fools and was really
    impressed with your outlook and attitude. You seem
    like a really smart and brave guy…and you’re damn
    cute too 🙂
    Best wishes and happiness to you as you continue this
    incredible journey.

    Friendly lesbian admirer

  16. I turned off the comments on the show episode due to spam. If you would like to make a comment, please email me and I’ll open it up again.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

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