FOF #2450 – Worst Dates Ever from Hell

Feb 13, 2017 · 1985 views

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Love is hell! Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and while we are happily in love- it wasn’t always the case. We had to go on some really bad dates and kiss a lot of frogs before finally catching a prince.

Today, comedian and former Korean talk show celebrity Vickie Eisenstein, joins us to talk about the weird dates she had while living in Korea.


  1. Fun show! Enjoyed listening to Vickie Eisenstein talk about Korean television (and dating) and about your YouTube bootcamp experiences in NYC!

  2. Alberto Alperpasa says:

    What sneaky RuPaul wants to say is “If you hate LGBTI people, you hate yourself. You only hate people if you hate yourself. Everybody say love.”.

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