FOF #2841 – Sam Pancake Takes on Ageism and the Coronavirus Pandemic
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A few months ago, comedian Sam Pancake appeared on a talk show where he talked about how some young people have such a fear of getting older that they’d rather be dead than get old. His conversation went viral and it really struck a chord with they way gay men view aging.
Today comedian and actor Sam Pancake, who has been in just about everything from Friends to Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3, joins us to look at gaygism, gay men’s fears of growing older.
For conservative or regressive people who may have an issue with me identifying rich people’s desire to eat rare or endangered animals as the origins of these types of viral pandemics, here’s a good video that explains the issue with scientific sources.
Regressive, ultra-rich people share three traits: fearful, autocratic and insecure.
This usually results in a strange paradox: they are terrified of germs but love to eat or hunt exotic animals.
They are germaphobes because of their fear/contempt for humanity and they enjoy hunting or consuming rare or endangered animals because it makes them feel special and powerful.
As expert Peter Li points out in the video, “The majority of the people in China do not eat wildlife animals. Those people who consume these wildlife animals are the rich and the powerful –a small minority.”
This video explains how the people of China are themselves victims of the conditions that led to coronavirus. The virus is affecting many different countries and cultures, and there is never justification for xenophobia or racism.