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FOF #1832 – Puppet Bike Secrets Revealed

One of Chicago’s most beloved street performers is the Puppet Bike, a tiny puppet theater that travels around the city on the back of a bicycle. Originally started by puppeteer Jason Trusty, the Puppet Bike now involves some eight performers who make adorable, gritty little animal puppets sing and dance.

Today we’re talking to the Puppet Bike puppeteer Stacee Droege about entertaining kids for tips.

Posted in: Actors, Interviews, Podcast 12 years ago 7

FOF #1804 – Dance Ten, Looks Three

Michael Douglas said in an interview that he didn’t think his throat cancer was the result of years of drinking and smoking, but from eating out! Not at restaurants, but at the Y.

Today Brian Sweeney joins us to talk about chest, derrieres and HPV. Does oral sex really put you at risk for cancer?

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 1

FOF #1803 – Gay Bears Stir Up the Honey Pot

When it comes to being a sex symbol, the concept of a gay bear or even gay bros is pretty new. We’re not talking about grizzlies hunting for honey in the woods, are we?

Today Jamie Williamson, Activity Director for the Great Lakes Bears joins us to take a look at gay bears and gay bros- men’s groups that have popped up in the last couple of decades in response to mainstream gay culture and sex.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 6