Here's the latest in the tag april fools

FOF #2727 – When Oprah Dyed the Chicago River The Color Purple

Nowadays it seems all of the popular April Fools Day jokes are just awful Internet memes or brand marketing, leaving us to wonder what happened to all the great pranks of yesteryear?

Today Amanda Cohen joins us to look at April Fool’s Day pranks then and now, from our early days as Feast of Fools where we convinced folks that Oprah was going to dye the Chicago River the Color Purple to when Amanda crushed people’s hearts by announcing she had gotten too famous for this podcast.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 1

FOF #2470 – Fake News Has F*cked Up April Fools Day

April Fools is the one day of the year where people actually begin to question the news the read online. It’s also the day when corporations and celebrities announce outrageous things just to grab people’s attention.

Today, comedian Jeffrey Jay joins us to take a look at all the wild April Fools Day jokes celebrities and businesses played to grab your attention- the “all creme” Oreos, Bush’s canned jelly beans, Burger King’s Whopper-flavored toothpaste and Cheetos spray tan.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 7 years ago 0

FOF #1354 – Madonna’s Malawi Disaster

A year ago Madonna laid the ceremonial brick for a planned girls school in the African country of Malawi- a noble mission for a nation where only 27 percent of girls attend secondary school.

Last week, it was announced the school will not be built and federal investigators are now looking into any possible fraud inside Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity and her Kabbalah center.

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Podcast 14 years ago 4

VIDEO: Feast of Food Pranks

Here’s some fun ways to mess with someone’s feast, but be careful, tampering with people’s food can be dangerous.

Posted in: Food & Drink, Videos 14 years ago 0

Happy 100th Birthday YouTube

Oh those folks at Google are always up to wonderful stuff on April Fool’s Day. To celebrate, YouTube has temporarily launched a 1911 button on all videos that turn your video into an old-time nickelodeon, […]

Posted in: Technology, Videos 14 years ago 1

FOF #733 – The Truth in the Lies

Today we reveal all the answers to the Feast of Fools Quiz! Congratulations to Cliff Dix and Sebastian Keenan who tied for first place. They got the most answers right, even though they both got […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 17

FOF #732 – She Had it Coming

We are such babies. We’re only ten year’s old! Can you believe it? The Feast of Fools is starting its second decade in show business. We seen a lot of transformation through the years and […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 22