Here's the latest in the tag beatles

FOF #2019 – Nice People Are More Likely To Hurt You

Instinctively, we tend to be a little suspicious about folks who are nice all the time. Underneath that sunny disposition, are they hiding a knife to stab you in the back?

Today Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at a new study that says nice people are the first to hurt you.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 9

FOF #1052 – Nine, Nine, Oh! Nine

Sept. 9, 2009 or 9/9/09 is a day feared by numerologists as the end of the world, a perfect day to release the Beatles re-mastered song catalog and for Apple to release new iPods and iTunes software. Obama’s big speech on healthcare and California Republican Assesmblyman Michael Duvall gets caught bragging about having sex with female lobbyists over a microphone he thought was turned off.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism, Technology 16 years ago 7