Here's the latest in the tag carol channing

VIDEO: Telephone Starring Christine Pedi as Liza Minnelli and Carol Channing

Christine Pedi  stars as Liza Minnelli and Carol Channing in a parody of Lady Gaga and Beyonce’s “Telephone”.

Posted in: Music, People, video 14 years ago 0

“The Shrink,” by the Penny Magic Show

Also known as “Why Do You Think You Are Nuts?” After this mind-rending show-stopper went around the Web awhile back, determined fans tracked down and unearthed lead singer Penny Pearce, who is said to have […]

Posted in: Topics 17 years ago 5

Diet Coke Commercial with Carol Channing & Friends

Starring Carol Channing, the Rockettes, Sally Kellerman, Ben Vereen, Telly Savalas, Joe Namath, Bob Hope, John Forsythe, and more! And!: In a contemporaneous clip, a brassy anthropomorphic Ms. Pac Man does her best Mama Rose.

Posted in: Topics 17 years ago 3