Here's the latest in the tag closeted gay men

Bill Maher Called It, Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman is Gay

Watch out conservatives! “The gays” are lurking in your midst! Nearly four years after Bill Maher went on Larry King Live and broke the news, Ken Mehlman, former RNC  chair and former Bush Campaign Chief, […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 5

Mike Rogers Outs Mark Kirk… or Does He?

Are a couple college same-sex hook-ups enough evidence to call a man in his 50s gay? Mike Rogers seems to think so, but what do you think?

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 15

Is Mike Rogers about to out Mark Kirk?

Madonna had a tale to tell. Mike Rogers, apparently does as well–and its about what Mark Kirk ISN’T telling us.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 3

FOFA #744 – Art Abuse

Poor Enrique Iglesias! The dreamy son of latin crooner Julio Iglesias is so fed up from people thinking he has a small penis that he’s issued a press release stating he has a large dick. […]

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Podcast 16 years ago 2

FOF #744 – Art Abuse

Poor Enrique Iglesias! The dreamy son of latin crooner Julio Iglesias is so fed up from people thinking he has a small penis that he’s issued a press release stating he has a large dick. […]

Posted in: Podcast 16 years ago 13