Here's the latest from Phil Reese

Empire State Building by Michael Key

New York wedding bells will ring ahead of schedule!

New York political leaders are very eager to get one huge state going on gay marriage quicker; they’re opening offices on a Sunday to do it.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

UPDATE: Defeat for Anti-Gay Bill SB1123

Update: the bill was defeated in committee.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 3

Tea with the Senator

I’ve just posted the transcript of my interview with Chicago mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun over at at a post titled Chicago Mayoral Candidate and LGBT Ally, Carol Moseley Braun. I was excited to interview the former US Senator and Ambassador to New Zealand for many reasons–not the least of which was to sit on her couch and browse her incredible collect of photos from her long life in public service.
Miles Davis had signed a painting in her living room. Miles Davis. She hummed Miles Davis while she poured tea for everyone in the room. It was like a dream.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 3

What happened?

Hey kids, I’m back! Sorry I went missing there–rough end-of-semester.  Now its done, and I’m back again ready to bring you all the Illinois and national LGBT political news! So… anything interesting happen while I […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Civil Unions passed Illinois House yesterday, should pass Senate today

I HIGHLY recommend you watch the Illinois Senate closely today.  The bill is expected to pass the state Senate, and this bill has been a priority for Governor Quinn, so expect him to be on […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 1

New Hampshire could be lost as marriage equality state

Back from Thanksgiving break, there’s so much to tell you about. If you haven’t heard yet, we’re expecting a vote this week on Civil Unions here in Illinois. However, all is not well in Queerland. […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Cindy McCain isn’t the battered spouse–we are

Poor Cindy McCain. John McCain locked her in a cage, took away all access to technology, sewed her mouth shut and–when all else failed–tranquilized her with heavy-duty animal tranq, usually reserved for elephants. All to […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 5

So many DOMA challenges, so little time!

Yesterday there were two Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) challenge in the courts. Today there are five. Adding to Gay and Lesbian Advocates (GLAD) and Defenders’ Massachusetts-based suit Gill V the Office of Personnel […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 1

Eat it, critics, OutServe HAS established chapters!

Without mentioning any names, someone voiced a little problem last week with a blog I posted at Bilerico a few months ago about the establishment of a new grassroots, safe and confidential network for gay, […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Covering election results at my homeblog…

… I’ll be submitting updates on the successes of pro-equality candidates nationwide there. Check it out if you’re election-hungry!

Posted in: Topics 14 years ago 0



CONCUR! I love TJ Holmes… and someday he’ll realize he loves me back. Twice a day. Once in the morning, and once after his long... » More

On My New Crush on MSNBC News Anchor Superhunk Thomas Roberts

Awww! » More

On PHOTO: Border Patrol Officers Hold Hands

Maybe its just because I’m ear-y. » More

On FOF #1330 – Get Your Butt Out of the Sand

I love q-tips in my ear too! Marc, I thought I was the only one. Does that make me an aural bottom? » More

On FOF #1330 – Get Your Butt Out of the Sand

I’m already ready for the Jason Nevins remix. This is hot. » More

On Listen to Lady Gaga’s Born this Way – Finally!