Here's the latest from Phil Reese

…And in that secret location, they slow-danced to “Lying Eyes”: How Itawamba screwed Constance McMillen.

When Constance McMillen sued her Mississippi School for discrimination for barring her from Prom because she’s in a same-sex relationship, the school canceled prom for everyone. When it looked like a Federal Judge might force them to have it anyway, the school got to work planning… two of them.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 11

Illinois Discriminatory Anti-Gay, Anti-Jobs Bill Gone but Not Forgotten

Last week I told you about the urgent action needed to stop a bill seeking to water down Illinois’ potent gender identity and sexual orientation inclusive employment non-discrimination law. Republican gubernatorial front-runner, Bill Brady, had […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

Take Action: Illinois Rightwingers Want to Gut LGBT Protections

In 2005, a broad coalition of labor, LGBT, and progressive activists from across the state of Illinois joined together to form “The 85% Coalition” to pressure the legislature to pass an inclusive amendment to the […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

Pressure HRC: Demand Leadership From Obama

When I blog about federal bills, I’m usually talking about ENDA – I still think this is our number one priority on the Hill – but there’s another big priority that we need to move […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 2

Stay Closeted to Win Idol for Yourself, Lose Equality for All

Former American Idol contestant Kat McPhee thinks gays and lesbians on Idol should stay in the closet so they can get farther on the show–and she’s right. Gays and lesbians aren’t likely to go as […]

Posted in: Culture & Style 15 years ago 8

Heather Steans’ Drunk Husband Crashes Jim Madigan Fundraiser

Jim Madigan, the openly-gay former director of Equality Illinois running for the state Senate was having a fundraiser at The Call in Andersonville Thursday night, when he was surprised by a very special guest: Leo […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

Recording Academy Blows GLAAD Off, Calls Buju Banton’s Gay-Murder Lyrics His ”Cultural Perspective.”

GLAAD asks the Recording Academy to clarify why they nominated an artist who writes music about shotting gays in the head, burning them alive; was charged with being part of a mob that severely beat […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, News & Rumors 15 years ago 7



CONCUR! I love TJ Holmes… and someday he’ll realize he loves me back. Twice a day. Once in the morning, and once after his long... » More

On My New Crush on MSNBC News Anchor Superhunk Thomas Roberts

Awww! » More

On PHOTO: Border Patrol Officers Hold Hands

Maybe its just because I’m ear-y. » More

On FOF #1330 – Get Your Butt Out of the Sand

I love q-tips in my ear too! Marc, I thought I was the only one. Does that make me an aural bottom? » More

On FOF #1330 – Get Your Butt Out of the Sand

I’m already ready for the Jason Nevins remix. This is hot. » More

On Listen to Lady Gaga’s Born this Way – Finally!