Here's the latest in the tag closeted. outrage

Mike Rogers Outs Mark Kirk… or Does He?

Are a couple college same-sex hook-ups enough evidence to call a man in his 50s gay? Mike Rogers seems to think so, but what do you think?

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 15

Is Mike Rogers about to out Mark Kirk?

Madonna had a tale to tell. Mike Rogers, apparently does as well–and its about what Mark Kirk ISN’T telling us.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 3

Why Kagan’s rumored sexuality won’t matter in the hearing

We don’t know if Kagan is a lesbian or not, but we do know that Republicans will likely not ask her during her confirmation, for fear of opening a can of worms.

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 6

Gay GOP Group Sponsors Conservative Political Conference, Not Allowed to Speak at It

This month, conservative gay rights group GOProud announced that it would sponsor this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). But the group’s inclusion has led to a backlash from the anti-gay right, some of whom […]

Posted in: Images, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 2