Here's the latest in the tag conan

FOF #2187 – The Incredible Summer Movies of 1982

Although 1982 isn’t considered the “Golden Year of Hollywood,” it should be: it gave us some of the most beloved action & horror films and memorable comedies, as well as one of the best science fiction lineups ever.

Today we’re chatting with Peaches Christ about the amazing summer movies of 1982- Road Warrior, E.T., Poltergeist, Conan, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Blade Runner, The Thing, Tron, Annie, and even Rocky III with Mr. T.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 10 years ago 4

VIDEO: Conan Reacts to Tyler Perry Being Named Top Dog

The Conan show reacts to the news that Tyler Perry was recently named the highest paid man in entertainment. Oh if drag were that easy!

Posted in: Television, Videos 13 years ago 1