Here's the latest in the tag funerals

FOF #2645 – No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral

Aretha Franklin’s funeral was overshadowed by Pastor Charles H. Ellis III groping Ariana Grande and joking that her name sounds like something from the menu at Taco Bell.

Today Carma Nibarger joins us to take a look at the pastor’s D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T for women at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF CLIP #2645 – No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral

A clip from podcast #2645 – “No R-E-S-P-E-C-T at Aretha’s Funeral.” To listen to the full show, become a Plus subscriber:

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2582 – Secret Podcast: How We Became the Feast of Fun

Here’s a story, of a lovely drag queen, who was doing drag shows all on her own. Til then one day she met a lovely fellow… that’s the way we all became the Feast of Fun.

Today on the Secret Podcast: How we turned a live drag show in Chicago into one of the world’s first and top podcasts. Plus, for the third time in twelve years, China cracks down on the practice of hiring strippers as funeral entertainment to attract larger crowds.

Posted in: Podcast 7 years ago 0

FOF #1879 – We Put the FUN into Your Funeral

You think the cost of living is too high? Try dying. Last year, funeral homes in America pulled in over thirteen billion dollars in gross revenues. With the average funeral costing ten grand, dying is a big business. So much in fact, some funeral homes go to grave measures to get your business.

Today we’re taking a look at some incredibly strange funeral parlors that will do anything to make a buck off the dead.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 1

FOF Special Edition: The Gay Intern Show

It’s been great literally hanging out with Marc who has let me edit videos and eat way too much ginger peanut caramel corn.

Fausto is in Texas but Marc is my guest and co-host on my first ever attempt at creating a podcast, which still needs a name! (Please send help).

Posted in: Podcast, Special Edition 13 years ago 17