Here's the latest from 300fromRyan

Green Vespers – New LGBT Murder Mystery

Marc and Fuasto have not been the only ones working on a web series. Green Vespers, an avant garde murder mystery web series immerses you in the complicated story of a secret society and a […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans, Movies, Videos 10 years ago 0

Video: Ana Matronic Kiki in DC

This is what it’s like to kiki with Ana Matronic.

Posted in: Embed, Music, People, Trends 11 years ago 0

Photo: Hanging Out With NZ’s Egg Lady

Angela, Aaron & I say a big hello from Wellington, New Zealand. And yes, she is even cooler in person. =v)

Posted in: Images, People 11 years ago 1

Video:Ghost Mirror Prank

This is a advertising ploy for “The Last Exocist 2” movie, but the reactions and scenario are hilarious none-the-less.

Posted in: Movies, Videos 12 years ago 0

Video-University of Michigan Harlem Shake

The viral sensation hits Ann Arbor with hotties, elephants & creatures from your imagination. What’s the Harlem Shake? In Baaur’s “Harlem Shake” song, a single person starts dancing. When the beat drops (about 15 seconds […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, Trends, Videos 12 years ago 0

Put on Your Heels!

I created a queer costume dance party (Revel) in Ann Arbor that included a section for performers. Due to nervousness, a few people dropped out, and I decided to grab some heels from Lola Von […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans, Images, People 12 years ago 1

The LGBTQ Dorian Award Nominees

The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment  Critics Association, consisting of 80 Film/TV critics, has released the nominees for their Dorian Awards. The list is below. After the Golden Globes, what/who do you think should win? FILM […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Movies 12 years ago 0

Video: Gay Guys Will Marry Your Girlfriends

CollegeHumor’s Favorite Funny Videos This video has been everywhere online this past week, but not on Feast of Fun? Changing that now.

Posted in: Embed, People 12 years ago 1

Anderson Cooper on Gaydar

From Friday’s Late Night Show w/ David Letterman.

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Videos 12 years ago 0



I’m so proud of you, Fausto. And Marc for being in the best shape he’s been in as well! » More

On My First Bodybuilding Competition

My love goes out to you two in this time of mourning. And your insight is always so valuable. » More

On Remembering JoJo Baby and Heklina

What a flash from the past. So nice to hear from Amanda again, and miss all these wonderful exaggerated characters. Fausto, love your understanding of non-linear... » More

On FOF #2983 – Amanda Cohen on To Tell the Truth

Thanks for the shout out, Marc and Fausto! And glad my quote fit the topic of this episode so well. I’ll always give Feast of Fun... » More

On FOF #2964 – Gay Man Thriving: How We Sabotage Our Own Happiness

This has been one of my favorite episodes during the pandemic. So much wisdom, Vivacious. And as someone who also enjoys streaming, I love what you’ve... » More

On FOF #2920 – Tis’ the Season to Be Vivacious