Here's the latest in the tag jon stewart

VIDEO: Daily Show Takes on Newt Gingrich at the Debate

Watch as Jon Stewart take son the hypocrisy of Newt Gingrich. It just might be the best thing you see today.

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: The Daily Show Rips Santorum and Obama on DOMA

On the Daily Show, Jon Stewart rips apart Rick Santorum on marriage equality and Obama’s enforcement of DOMA.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Television, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Jon Stewart on Egyptian Attack of Anderson Cooper

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Daily Show on Facebook Always good for a laugh, Jon Stewart talks about the the situation in Egypt and the recent attack […]

Posted in: Videos 14 years ago 1

VIDEO: Jon Stewart Tells McCain “It Gets Worse”

John Stewart tells McCain “It Gets Worse” for him every moment he stalls the repeal of DADT. Sean Hayes shows up to do a NOH8 style montage with some of the regulars on the Daily Show.

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 14 years ago 0

VIDEO: Jon Stewart’s speech at the Rally For Sanity

Giving one for the history books, comedian Jon Stewart gave an empassioned speech at the end of the Rally for Sanity. “We live now in hard times,” Stewart said after all the jokes were delivered. […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 4