Here's the latest in the tag lourdes

FOF #1779 – The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Phat Gay Kid

Video blogger Joshua Lindsay created the character of Jonnie Jenkins, a heavy set kid who loved to giggle and sing off key on a whim. Musicians Ke$ha and Katy Perry thought his covers of their songs were cute, and made him an overnight sensation by retweeting his videos.

All this fame led Joshua into dangerous territory when he found himself starving in New York City, becoming a slave for a shady online media company that was obsessed with the bitcoin schemes.

FOF #1533 – Nice Girls Don’t Say Those Things

With the success of many openly gay comedians and TV shows like Modern Family and Glee, does being in the closet help entertainers or hurt them?

Today the very funny and unapologetic Jackie Monahan talks about how coming out as a comedian allows her to get away with anything. Plus- her fabulous sci-fi film, Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 6

VIDEO: Madonna’s Daughter Speaks!

Lourdes gives her first TV interview…where’s the British Accent?

Posted in: Culture & Style, Embed, Music, People, Videos 14 years ago 9

VIDEO: Lourdes Off to High School, Students React

It seems like just yesterday Madonna gave birth to baby Lola. Now she’s off for her first day at high school.

Posted in: People 15 years ago 2