Here's the latest in the tag make-up

FOF #1616 – 50 Ways to Ditch a Drag Queen

You’re in for a real treat!

The boys from Feast of Fun are taking a little break from doing the show, so they asked me, Saltina Obama Bouvier, a glamourpoous drag queen to do the show for them. I also brought along my sidekick Daphne Dumount. You might not like her though.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 12 years ago 4

VIDEO: Don’t Scratch that Itch

Drag Queen Misty teaches you how to get rid of that irritating itch and still keep your make up in tact. In another video, she also discusses applying Milk of Magnesia on your face to […]

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Videos 13 years ago 0

Perfect Make Up Thanks to Your Computer

A computer program is being developed that takes a 3D image of your face and measures your complexion, shadows and lines and analyzes the current make up you are wearing to see if it’s the […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Technology 14 years ago 2

VIDEO: Do It Yourself Zombie Make Up

How dead do you want to be? Freshly dead or rotting to the bone.

Posted in: Videos 14 years ago 0

Tranny Neanderthals

Did Neanderthals wear make up? Archeologists have uncovered pigments that suggest Neanderthals wore make up. If they were wearing make up, you know there must have been drag queen or tranny Neanderthals. I wonder if […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans 15 years ago 5

Fierce Real-Life Comic Book Make-Up Technique

Check out this make-up artist as she painted a woman to look like a comic book character. A real-life Lichenstein! I can so see many club kids using this technique.

Posted in: Culture & Style 15 years ago 1