Here's the latest in the tag mass shootings

Remembering Heklina: Heklina Will Not Be Silenced

Remembering San Francisco drag legend Heklina, who died this week in her hotel room in London. She was 55.

Heklina is a living legend- she started her amazing drag show in San Francisco way back in 1996 that ignited the careers of countless entertainers including Lady Gaga, Peaches Christ and Ana Matronic.

Today, Heklina joins us to take a look at the horrific shooting in Orlando and how gay bar owners are responding to the violence.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 1 year ago 0

FOF #2344 – Heklina Will Not Be Silenced

Heklina is a living legend- she started her amazing drag show in San Francisco way back in 1996 that ignited the careers of countless entertainers including Lady Gaga, Peaches Christ and Ana Matronic.

Today, Heklina joins us to take a look at the horrific shooting in Orlando and how gay bar owners are responding to the violence.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 8 years ago 1

FOF #2343 – Flowers and Candles for Pride

This year’s Pride season kicked off with the worst mass shooting in American history as a man armed with an assault rifle killed 50 people and wounded at least 53 at a gay club in Orlando, Florida.

Today, we take a look at people’s reactions to the massacre, what it means for LGBT folks in Pride season, and what would Mister Rogers have said about the incident.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 1