Here's the latest in the tag meg grunewald

FOF #2269 – A Modern Christmas Carol

Just in time for Christmas- Martin Shkreli, the bro-CEO, who’s the most hated man on the Internet, has been arrested for engaging in what prosecutors say was a Ponzi-like scheme at hedge fund he ran and at a pharmaceutical company he once headed.

Today, on our next to the last show of the year, we’re talking about forgiveness, peace and joy. with the fabulously Vine superstar Meg Grunewald.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2197 – One Hundred Wigs

On August 1, comedian Meg Grunewald celebrated her 100th character and her one year anniversary on Vine, the 6 second video sharing app where folks mostly post wacky clips of themselves yelling at the camera.

Today Meg joins us to talk about how she took her wig collection and became an internet celebrity on Vine

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 10 years ago 5

FOF #2169 – Lucky Charms

Times are changing- more than 1.2 million people in Ireland voted for Marriage Equality, in what was once a very staunch Catholic country. The Vatican called the unprecedented vote a “defeat for humanity. Meanwhile, Irish American Vice President Joe Biden, said the U.S. and the world “needs to follow Ireland’s lead.”

Joining us today is Vine comedy superstar Meg Grunewald, who impressive range of characters have made her one of the top video bloggers on the micro-video sharing app.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 10 years ago 4

FOF #2139 – Six Seconds of Fame

Comedian Meg Grunewald does Crossfit in a wig and costume because it’s the only way to hide from the cult and still get a workout in. Not really, she does it to entertain her massive following on Vine, the app that let’s you be the star of your own show in six second allotments of time.

Our guest today is the very funny Meg Grunewald, best known for creating over 87 unique characters that she puts on display for her 18,000 followers on Vine.