Here's the latest in the tag michael luongo

FOFA #1156 – A Gay Man’s Return to the Muslim World

To many, the Middle East is a tantalizing mix of danger and desire. To a gay travel writer it’s an adventure to a world where same-sex affection blurs in the sand.

Today Michael Luongo joins us to talk about his book tour through the Middle East to promote “Gay Travels in the Muslim World” a collection of true stories of men sexually attracted to other men in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Podcast 15 years ago 2

FOF #1156 – A Gay Man’s Return to the Muslim World

To many, the Middle East is a tantalizing mix of danger and desire. To a gay travel writer it’s an adventure to a world where same-sex affection blurs in the sand.

Today Michael Luongo joins us to talk about his book tour through the Middle East to promote “Gay Travels in the Muslim World” a collection of true stories of men sexually attracted to other men in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 15 years ago 10

FOF #795 – What Lies Beneath

In many non-western countries, especially places in the so-called “Muslim World” you see men holding hands, expressing affection for each other and even going as far as giving each other flowers. What’s up with that? […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 25