Here's the latest in the tag occupy

FOF #1504 – Trends and Predictions for 2012

Last year people took glitter to a whole new level by updating the pie-in-the-face prank with Glitter Bombs, an arts and crafts attack against douchey politicians and pundits.

Listen as we talk about what 2012 will be like by looking at the events and trends that made the headlines last year with artist Marsian DeLellis.

Posted in: Podcast, Trends 13 years ago 15

VIDEO: GENIUS Way to Support Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) Without Leaving Your House!

Hit Wall Street in their bottomline!  #OWS  This is genius!  Send back the junk mail reply mailers with lots of crap in it so the banks have to pay the postage!!  See the video.  God, […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 0