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Bonus: The Most Ridiculous Celebrity Endorsements Ever

Celebrities are just like us except when they fall on hard times, they get a boat load of money for endorsing embarrassingly crappy products that makes their fall from grace even more spectacular.

Today comedian Matt Brown joins us to take a look at the most ridiculous celebrity product endorsements ever.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2639 – The Most Ridiculous Celebrity Endorsements Ever

Celebrities are just like us except when they fall on hard times, they get a boat load of money for endorsing embarrassingly crappy products that makes their fall from grace even more spectacular.

Today comedian Matt Brown joins us to take a look at the most ridiculous celebrity product endorsements ever.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 2

FOF #1740 – Ex Gay Camp

Comedian Rob Anderson wrote Straight Camp- a musical about a teenage musical theater fanatic who gets sent to a gay-to-straight camp. To get a handle on his subject matter, Rob contacted ex-gay ministries pretending he was unsure about being gay.

That’s when the barrage of emails started and his phone would not stop ringing. What he found out will blow your mind. Not surprisingly, a lot of the guys who run these cults are big ol flaming queens.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 9