Here's the latest in the tag quiz

Steak House or Gay Bar

Given only the name, you’re asked to determine if it’s a steak house or a gay bar. I guessed around 30 and got only a third of them right. It’s tricky!

Posted in: Culture & Style, Food & Drink, Travel 15 years ago 0

FOF #733 – The Truth in the Lies

Today we reveal all the answers to the Feast of Fools Quiz! Congratulations to Cliff Dix and Sebastian Keenan who tied for first place. They got the most answers right, even though they both got […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 17

FOF #732 – She Had it Coming

We are such babies. We’re only ten year’s old! Can you believe it? The Feast of Fools is starting its second decade in show business. We seen a lot of transformation through the years and […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 22