Here's the latest in the tag reviews

FOF #2611 – Infinity War, What is It Good For?

Infinity War! Huh, good God y’all. What’s it good for? Making money hunty! Marvel just broke box office records for Black Panther and now ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ just topped that for the highest weekend opening ever.
Joining us to chat about the new film is Brian Sweeney, who probably has the largest collection of Marvel comic book characters merchandise of anyone I’d care to be associated with

Posted in: Podcast 6 years ago 1

FOF #2366 – Absolutely Fashionable

Much like Edina & Patsy in the new Absolutely Fabulous movie, we are drowning in fashion as the men’s apparel show hits Chicago this week.

Today, we take a look at the new Ab Fab movie and give you a cheat sheet for the many celebrity cameos some Americans might not get.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 0

VIDEO: Review of The New Original Wonder Woman

Feeling a little nostalgic today and came across this fabulously nerdy review of the Wonder Woman series.

Posted in: Videos 13 years ago 0

Movie Review: 8 the Mormon Proposition

I had the pleasure of seeing the new documentary film 8: the Mormon Proposition at the Frameline Film Festival this past weekend.  Up front I should say that I am a former Mormon, and the […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Movies, Politics & Activism, video 14 years ago 2

Curtis’ View From the Back Row: Percy Jackson & the Olympians, the Lightning Thief

Hollywood is trying again.  Every studio wants a new teen focused franchise and the latest attempt is “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief” a trifle of a fantasy epic full of the paint […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Movies 15 years ago 2

Curtis’ View From the Back Row: Up in the Air

I’ll admit it right up front-  This was one of my most anticipated films of the year and not just because America’s best “movie star” actor, George Clooney, is working at the very top of […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Movies 15 years ago 1

Curtis’ View From the Back Row: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wes Anderson is a director with a quirky world view.  When Rushmore debuted in 1996 with its quirky attitude on character, dialogue and story, it felt like a witty breath of fresh air.  But, with […]

Posted in: Animals, Culture & Style, Movies 15 years ago 1

Curtis’ View From the Back Row: The Road

I really was feeling too happy after Thanksgiving.  I needed something to knock me down a peg or two, something to remind me of the relentless hopelessness of the Great Recession, the inert Health Care […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Movies 15 years ago 3

Response to the name change “Feast of Fun”

The reviews are in! Marc and I had feared that our name change would leave people in stunned silence, thankfully that wasn’t the case. Change is good! Check out these two hot articles: Feast of […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Media Mentions 16 years ago 4