Here's the latest in the tag state of the union

FOF #1512 – We Are the 98 Percent

Last night the President presented his third State of the Union Address, addressing voters and the middle class directly, saying everybody deserves a fair shake – and that his policies will help make sure they get one. So why did he purposely say 98% instead of 99%?

Today we take a look at the sweet and spicy parts of Obama’s State of the Union Address and the 2012 Oscar Nominees.

Posted in: Podcast 13 years ago 7

FOF #1318 – My Sputnik Moment

Pleading for U-N-I-T-Y in a newly divided government during his State of the Union Address, the President asked lawmakers to move forward by comparing the country’s challenges to the Space Race of the 50s and 60s.

Join us today as we take a close look at the State of the Union Address, and try to figure out why so many female politicians like to wear red.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 11

State of the Union

Last night, President Obama reiterated his pledge to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but as many bloggers have noted, he could have issued a stop/loss order to stop the anti-gay purges on Day 1 when […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Email

Here’s a letter we just got from Mr. President but where’s his stance on DADT or Marriage Equality? Fausto — I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Topics 15 years ago 1