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FOF #2076 – Kim Chi’s Tangy House of Style

Chicago drag queen Kim Chi named herself after the Korean spicy pickled cabbage. Her feathery sense of style combines an Asian esthetic with high fashion. One of her drag gal pals Trannika Rex describes her as Margaret Cho in a funhouse mirror because she’s 6 foot three, out of heels.

Listen as Kim Chi takes us on all you can eat buffet of Korean culture, from Psy’s Gangam Style phenomena, to Asian drag and the gay scene in Kore

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 10 years ago 0

FOF #2075 – For Better or For Worse

We did it! On Halloween, Marc and I tied the knot and got legally married in Illinois by the fabulous Deven Green. We wanted to keep it simple and fun, so to celebrate we went out for a romantic dinner and then caught a movie.

Today we reflect on our podcast wedding and celebration afterwards. Plus, all the hot news.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 2