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EVENT: SXSW Queer Meetup 2011

Are you right now in Texas?

Come join some of the biggest names in queer online culture at a fabulous soiree to kick of SXSW, the film, interactive and music festivals and conference that takes place every spring in Austin, Texas. This year’s featured panelist is Paul Reubens, best known for being Pee Wee Herman. Yeah, it’s our kind of conference.

Posted in: About the FOF, Announcements 14 years ago 3

EVENT: SXSW Queer Blogger Tweetup

Are you at SXSW or live in Texas?

Come join many of the biggest names in queer online culture. Network with other queer/LGBT bloggers, filmmakers and musicians including Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion from the Feast of Fun podcast Trish Bendix from After Ellen, Bil Browning from the Bilerico Project and Sinclair Sexsmith from the Sugarbutch Chronicles.

Sunday, March 14, 9pm
Oil Can Harrys, Austin, Texas

Posted in: About the FOF, Announcements, Featured 15 years ago 3