Here's the latest in the tag viral video

Trollol Guy Remixed

You may have seen the creepy Trollol guy form this video with the title “I’m happy to be on my way home.” Now he’s been remixed- –Via

Posted in: Music, Videos 15 years ago 4

FOF #1098 – Is It Too Late to Say “Yes We Can?”

Jim Bennet of GayCo, the gay sketch comedy troupe that sprouted from Second City is back with “The Audacity of Nope.” The skits touch on the feelings of many who worked in earnest to get Obama elected who now feel like they’ve been duped.

Plus: Microsoft’s awkward attempt at a viral video, Sarah Palin Glenn Beck as a possible future running mate and our Holiday T-Shirt Contest!

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Politicians/Activists 15 years ago 4

Microsoft’s Lame Attempt at Making a Viral Video Captures Shoplifter Stealing

This is how not to build buzz for your company. But did a video of Microsoft store employee’s impromptu awkward dance in the middle of their new stores accidentally captured someone shoplifting. Hilarious! Check her […]

Posted in: Technology, Videos 15 years ago 8