Here's the latest in the tag white priviledge

FOFA #2222 – How Not to Be an Asshole

With the election over, we are all going to have to have to deal with some unlikeable characters- wether they are family members, co-workers, politicians or pundits on TV, so how do you do it without becoming an asshole?

Today, comedian Cody Melcher joins us to take a look at how to be anything other than an asshole, dealing with everyday rotten people and what to do when you realize you’re one of the bad guys.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2222 – How Not to Be an Asshole

Has the whole world has gone mad? Kim Davis gets away with bogus marriage licenses, CEO Martin Shkreli raises meds prices 5000%, joggers & dads with baby strollers duke it out in Brooklyn and then Azaelia Banks punches a passenger on a plane.

Today comedian Cody Melcher joins us to take a look at how to be anything other than an asshole, dealing with everyday rotten people and what to do when you realize you’re one of the bad guys.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 2