Here's the latest in the tag YouTube Celebrities

PHOTO: Patti Labelle with Marc Felion, Fausto Fernós, Samwell and Friend

Here’s the photo! In case you have no idea who these fabulous folks are, that’s “Lady Marmalade” Patti Labelle and Samwell “What What in the Butt.” Magic happens, believe it.

Posted in: Images, Music, People 14 years ago 0

FOF #1186 – We’ve Got the Duke

Being born into a famous family is never easy, so it’s refreshing to hear that James Duke Mason, the son of 80s pop star Belinda Carlisle of The Go-Go’s, and grandson of Hollywood actor James Mason is not only well adjusted, he’s fabulously gay.

Today Duke talks with us over the Internet from his home in the south of France about his film debut in “You Can’t Have it All” and his mom’s new autobiography “Lips Unsealed” where she admits it was cool in the 80s to kiss girls.

VIDEO: Children Singing Lady Gaga

We’re not sure if this kid is going to grow up to be gay, but one thing is for sure, he’s already fabulous! Check out this video of Timmy, an adorable red-headed kid singing and […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, People, Videos 14 years ago 0

FOF #1152 – The Adorable Chris Rushton

A gay youth revolution is underway as young people connect with a mass audience by telling their coming out stories on Youtube. One such video blogger, Chris Rushton shares with us his tips on video blogging and being stalked by his fans.

Plus: Robert Pattinson offered to pose nude for Details magazine but they declined!

Posted in: Hunks, Interviews, Podcast, Video Bloggers 15 years ago 43

After the Interview with Luna & Ginsburg

Marc and I had a great time interviewing two of YouTube’s funniest ladies: Nadya Ginsburg and Selene Luna. They had quite a bit to say about J-Lo’s new alter ego “Lola” and I thought it […]

Posted in: Divas, People, Video Podcast, Videos 15 years ago 0