FOF #1287 – Late Bloomers
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Lesbian rumors! Although many lgbt folks know from an early age their affinities for the same sex, some come out late in life not because they were in the closet, but because these feelings rised up late in life.
Today, writer Trish Bendix the managing blog editor for After Ellen joins us to talk about “Dear John, I Love Jane” which features her essay on how she suddenly discovered her lesbian love one day.
Trish seems to have a lot of chemistry with you guys. I’ve really liked her both times she’s been on the show. Be sure to have her back!
PS – Interesting convo on Katy Perry. Her lyrics are so asinine, but the music is catchy and they’re catch with great melodies, which kind of sets them apart. NPR’s “Fresh Air” had a really on-point review of why her last album was so appealing. She’s immature, but she feels sincere. The whole gay stuff seems more like that dumb person you’ve got to correct and put in their place more than it reads as homophobia.
And you can’t say she’s just putting shiny stuff on her boobs. She writes her own music. The “Hot N Cold” video had a lot of great 80s references. She collaborated with the brilliant Will Cotton for “California Girls” (which I think is stupid song just because she’s playing second fiddle to someone in her own single) and she paralleled the whole high-camp aesthetic performance (channeling Betty Page) just as Gaga was starting to do it too. She’s not dumb, she’s just kind of dopey.
Ugh. Please excuse the bad grammar. Long day.
This is the blog post that inspired the Katy Perry knockdown.
I like Trish too!
I love Daft Punk as well, they will finally release a new album in December this year. ^^ But they are actually from France and not UK.