FOF #1354 – Madonna’s Malawi Disaster
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A year ago Madonna laid the ceremonial brick for a planned girls school in the African country of Malawi- a noble mission for a nation where only 27 percent of girls attend secondary school.
Last week, it was announced the school will not be built and federal investigators are now looking into any possible fraud inside Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity and her Kabbalah center.
Oh yes, in Stephenie Meyer’s world, for some reason, vampire ladies are infertile but vampire guys stay potent for-ever, and one knocking up a human woman results in a hyper-fast pregnancy that last four weeks, breaks the woman’s spine with its kicks, and… well, I won’t spoil the rest. It’s been parodied on fan forums already with clips from Alien, if that gives any indication. 😉
For real? No way.
Way. And of course, Bella gets encouraged to abort since her health is at risk, but of course, she doesn’t, cuz this is a Mormon author we’re talking about, who already had her characters save themselves til marriage. Pro-abstinence pro-life vampire fiction. Really, we’ve seen it all now.!5096763/twilight-makes-for-the-best-fanwank-ever
Also, I kind of love the guy who plays Edward Cullen, if only cuz he joins us anti-fans in taking the piss out of the series. 😀