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I’m glad you have serious shows like this once in a while. I don’t know why I chose Sunday to listen this one but I did.... » More

On FOF #1335 – The Westboro Baptist Church vs Anonymous

I saw that. Goofballs like that perpetuate the idea that Texas is a backwater state. It sorta is. Austin is the only liberal enclave in the... » More

On Texas state representative warns of ”Terror Babies” born in the U.S. and taken overseas to be trained to come back in 20 years to carry out terrorist attacks

That mustache looks right out of the 70s. Happy B’day and how old are you anyways? » More

On Happy Birthday Marc Felion

It is a nice story. The paper shows their enlightened side once in a while. » More

On An interesting story about a drag queen with a unique impairment–for a drag queen that is.

One of my favorite lesbians, Rachel Maddow, is following this story this week on her show. She’s uncovering the role U.S. lawmakers are playing in this. » More

On Uganda Proposes Death Penalty for HIV Positive Gays