Here's the latest from Mark Wilson

18yo Rugby Player Coming Out.

This really moved me.

Posted in: Embed, People 12 years ago 0

Vote for Where the Bears Are

This excellent web series with lots of hot bears is being trounced in the AfterElton pole by the Lizzie Bennet Diaries! Calling all bears and bear fans to vote up this show and help (the […]

Posted in: Hunks 12 years ago 0

Star Trek the Gay Episode

Found this and thought of you!

Posted in: Embed, Science Facts & Fiction 12 years ago 3

The Only Gay in the World

Rhianna parody video. Great fun and verl well produced.

Posted in: Embed, Music 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Bringing Back Sexy!

Hot Eastern European accordian players

Posted in: Hunks, Music, Videos 13 years ago 3

iCondon PSA for safe sex

I saw this and giggled:-D

Posted in: Health & Wellness 13 years ago 1

VIDEO: Lady Gaga’s ”Bad Romance” Played on the Iowa State University Carillon

Bad Romance on the Iowa State University carillon!!

Posted in: Music, Videos 14 years ago 2

IPhone Users Are Sluts!

According to Gizmodo iPhone users have twice as much sex as Android users. See the full article with graphs on the Gizmodo website.

Posted in: Technology, Trends 14 years ago 1

Nice Little Article by My Friend Alex About Prop 8

Alex is a Liberal Councillor in Nottingham – he was also on the local news this week talking about the gay blood donor ban. The article appears on Liberal Democrat Voice’s website

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

Wonders of the Solar System Starts Tonight on US Tv

Prof. Brian Cox the  UK’s version of Carl Sagan with a Britpop haircut starts his 5 part series tonight. The LA Times TV reviewer Robert Lloyd gives it 5 stars

Posted in: Science Facts & Fiction 14 years ago 0



The water born infection guy was Dr John Snow who deduced that cholera was caused by the water from a public pump in Soho London. He... » More

On FOF #2390 – Queer Science

Great show, loved the “nod” to Miss Ronnie, Sal-E and Amanda. A hark back to early days of off the wall madness. If ever I need... » More

On FOF #1985 – Stop and Smell the Roses

Who wouldn’t want to stalk Eric? He’s cute 😀 » More

On FOF #1919 – Smoking in the Boys Room

Totally loved today’s show Kevin was such a lovely guy. I can’t help thinking it would be great to get him on a show with Larry... » More

On FOF #1868 – Working on a Sex Farm

I think you can sum up in three little words. Film: Bear City 😀 » More

On FOF #1803 – Gay Bears Stir Up the Honey Pot