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Remembering Tina Turner: All the Tea on Tina Turner

In the new documentary film, Tina, the Queen of Rock and Roll has the final word on her growing poor, her relationship with Ike Turner, and how she became one of the world’s most celebrated artists.

The new documentary is gonna get you hooked on Tina all over again.

But despite its in-depth look at the pop icon’s life, many amazing things were briefly touched on or left on the cutting room floor, so today is Tina Turner day, where we look at the life and legacy of this one of a kind diva.

Posted in: Musicians, Podcast 1 year ago 0

Kate Bornstein’s Gender in 4D: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI

The world is in crisis- climate change, pandemics, inflation and on top of all that, we’re about to face our greatest threat: the rise of the machines through Artificial Intelligence.

Today Kate Bornstein: author, actor, performance artist, and advocate for teens, freaks & other outlaws joins us to look at the terrifying, hilarious and exciting new frontier of artificial intelligence and how it stands to change our world forever.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 1 year ago 0

Dan Cass Gets Untucked

After Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News, folks are hotly debating why he got canned- was it the allegations of sexism in the workplace, the Dominion settlement and other lawsuits or is Fox News finally getting tired of all his lies? But if Fox News had to fire everyone who lied on the air, there wouldn’t be anyone left in the studio.

Today comedian Dan Cass joins us to look at all the political hijinks unfolding during these uncertain times, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders selling her koozy in a new bizarre political ad and Donald Trump calling Ron DeSantis “pudding fingers.”

Posted in: Podcast 1 year ago 0

I Have Cancer, Again

2018 was an incredible year. After years of podcasting, Marc Felion got cast in the Norwegian reality TV show “Alt For Norge.” And just like that, I came down with an especially aggressive case of cancer, basal cell carcinoma, that left me with a giant scar on my right shoulder and enormous medical bills to pay.

This year, the cancer is back, right during the middle of preparing for a bodybuilding contest. My birthday was spent going back and forth with doctors to schedule radiation therapy to nuke the tumor on my arm.

Today we take a look at cancer, whee! A look at the highs and lows life brings us, as we reflect on the week’s news and trends.

Posted in: Podcast 1 year ago 0

Dr. Steven Thrasher on the Viral Underclass

Even though Covid-19, Monkeypox and HIV/AIDS are three very different kinds of viral infections, they all impact some people more than others.

When fighting a pandemic, we like to think that we are all in this together, but folks who face racism, homophobia/transphobia, poverty and homelessness are more at risk than anyone else.

Today professor Dr. Steven Thrasher joins us to look at why it’s critical to address systemic inequality, racism and bigotry when fighting off any pandemic.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 1 year ago 0

Remembering JoJo Baby and Heklina

Long before drag was a mainstay of reality television, LGBTQ+ folks turned to drag for fun, to challenge society and explore their gender through an artistic, comedic and performative lens.

Today we remember two queer culture legends, Chicago’s JoJo Baby and San Francisco’s Heklina, who both died this past month and the impact they had on so many people’s lives, including ours.

Posted in: Musicians, Podcast 1 year ago 2

Remembering Heklina: Heklina Will Not Be Silenced

Remembering San Francisco drag legend Heklina, who died this week in her hotel room in London. She was 55.

Heklina is a living legend- she started her amazing drag show in San Francisco way back in 1996 that ignited the careers of countless entertainers including Lady Gaga, Peaches Christ and Ana Matronic.

Today, Heklina joins us to take a look at the horrific shooting in Orlando and how gay bar owners are responding to the violence.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 1 year ago 0

Caleb De Casper Battles Texas Anti-Drag Legislators

As politicians attempt to pass anti-trans and anti-drag laws, it’s important to show up, speak out and voice your opposition for the public record.

Thankfully, rock ‘n roll might save the day!

Joining us is queer musician Caleb DeCasper who showed up at the Texas state capitol to let legislators know that an intended ban on drag could have widespread negative effects on the whole music industry.

Posted in: Musicians, Podcast 1 year ago 0

Derek Bolt’s Recipe for Building Muscle

When it comes to building muscle, eating is fundamental. Besides being incredibly good looking, bodybuilder and film star Derek Bolt is great at fixing yummy things in the kitchen to help build his legendary physique.

Today we chat once again with Derek Bolt- amateur bodybuilder, architect, film star, and overall renaissance man on maximizing your meals for building muscle.

Posted in: Lets Grow Big Together, Podcast 1 year ago 0

Matt Brown is Mad at Cher, Happy with AI Mariah Carey

Cher better watch her back, cause Matt Brown is ready to steal her new man.

Today comedian Matt Brown, who’s been described as 80% Kathy Griffin and 20% hood rat, joins us to look at Cher’s very famous ex-lovers, Chris Rock’s “Selective Outrage” comedy special and why, despite the best intentions, asking people’s pronouns in the workplace could violate their privacy.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 1 year ago 0