FOF #521 – Queer Music Showcase

Apr 26, 2007 · 1985 views

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Come listen to the music! Gregg Shapiro comes over to chat with Marc and me about the Alt Q Music Festival at the Old Town School of Folk Music, hosted by our good friend Scott […]


  1. This was a great show!!!

    the music is amazing, specially Hedwig’s (I mean Chris’) music. Greg knows so much about indie music, he’s great.

    very funny episode also, I’m trying to make people listen to the show, I’m convincing all my bilingual friends (I’m in M茅xico, so not that many people understand fluent english)

    Actor/Model are so funny, it’s great that you’re bringing them over to the show!

    I love the show more everyday!!!

  2. Barbara says:

    What is the number of the Ferron show? I cannot find the link you mentioned.

  3. Here’s the link to the ferron show, enjoy!

  4. Loved this show. XXOO

    Chris’s music is so dark. Very good voice almost like an angel is singing to you!

    see you geys soon Love you all!!

  5. Are you coming to the Alt Q show in Chicago, Boston Bill?

  6. Bees are animals, and as a beekeeper bees aren’t hurt or harmed collecting wax. Or at least responsible beekeepers won’t hurt the bees! P’d off hives of bees leave and go elsewhere 馃檪

    The only wax collected is that where the honey is collected, which is surplus to what the hive actually needs!

  7. Maia says:

    Yes! We will be there. It was great last year. Damn, Toshi Reagon can sing. Thanks for the appetizer…

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