FOF #1112 – Christmastime for the Jews
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Start singing Hanukkah songs and it’s a slippery slope into Christmas carols, then you’ll be born again. Comedian and auteur Keith Ecker joins us to read an essay about growing up Jewish but non-religious in the ultra-conservative Dallas, Texas.
In the news: Porn star death, Prince Willy of the UK, sexy Tarzan, Smart Octopus, and Joe Lieberman steals Healthcare.
Is Keith Jewish where it counts? I wasn’t clear on that.
I bet yes. Most Americans are.
Lol, rrrrriight.
Oh wait, did u mean being cut?
n/m ^_^.
I didn’t mean cut, I meant do he got that sch-long that makes the boys go oooooYyyyyy!
My member is kosher for Passover.
Pull up a plate!
Grammar Girl has this to say about the Cacti/Octopi question:
“You’re right that foreign words sometimes keep their foreign plural, especially when they aren’t commonly used words. Fungus comes from Latin and the proper plural is fungi, for example. But most words that came into English through Latin or Greek take the standard -es to make them plural. The proper English plurals are octopuses, hippopotamuses, Pegasuses, cactuses, and so on*. There are varying forms of acceptance for forms like octopi, hippopotami, and cacti — for example, cacti is more common among people who work with plants — but it’s usually safest to go with the -es for plurals (4).”
Thanks jsethanderson!