FOF #1396 – Lez Get Real
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The lavender curtain has been lifted on two very popular blogs for the ladies who love the labia revealing that they are actually written by men.
Blogger Tom MacMaster came forward as the man behind the blog Gay Girl in Damascus after he faked the kidnapping of his online persona, Amina Arraf, a young muslim girl living in Syria. And the supposedly deaf lesbian editor of the blog Lez Get Real actually turned out to be Bill Graber, a straight man living in Ohio. Why do straight men want to be lesbians online?
Thanks for the shout-out, guys, but I still identify as bisexual even though I’m married to a guy. I’ll let it slide this time, but if it happens again I’ll kick and scream about erasure and visibility like every other bisexual on the internet 😉
Does anyone else read “bisexual erasure” and imagine being chased by a big cartoon pencil like Bugs Bunny? Just me? Okay.
Whoops! My bad.
It’s cool, baby!