Here's the latest in the tag bigotry

With Equal Marriage Victories in California & Washington, It’s Time to Step Up in Illinois!

With this week’s victory over California’s Proposition 8 and next week’s likely passage of marriage equality legislation in the State of Washington, it’s a golden opportunity to push for full marriage equality here in the […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Today’s Protest Canceled, but Cardinal George’s ”Apology” to Gays Doesn’t Get to the Heart of the Matter

Even though the Gay Liberation Network finds the “apology” of Francis George woefully inadequate, we nevertheless agree to call off the protest scheduled for January 8 (tomorrow, Sunday) at Holy Name Cathedral.  While taking this […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Cardinal George, You’ve Got to be Kidding

Nope.  You really are that much of a bigot. In comparing LGBT rights activists to the KKK — and then repeatedly refusing to apologize or even distance himself from this outrageous comment — Chicago’s Cardinal […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 13 years ago 4

Cardinal George Takes Another Pot-Shot @ LGBT Activists

Cardinal George compares GLN to KKK.  Silly George, the KKK also used religion to deflect charges of bigotry. Here’s our response: “In comparing LGBT rights advocates to the KKK, the Cardinal shows that he is […]

Posted in: People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

BREAKING: White House to release new LGBT bullying guidelines to schools

It may have taken two years, but it seems the White House has figured out that Title IX protects students from anti-gay & anti-transgender bullying. Now they’re clearing up for the schools. Today, the Department […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 3

New Website Aimed at Religion-Based Bigotry

Faith in America launches a new website to combat religious-based bigotry toward LGBT people. From their website: “Faith In America’s mission is to educate the public about the harm caused to LGBT Americans when religion-based […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 14 years ago 0

A Bully Tells His Story: It Gets Worse

A bully talks about how hard it is to be a bully as you grow up. Funny stuff!

Posted in: Videos 14 years ago 6