Here's the latest in the tag Brian Sweeney

Big Dongs for Science: The Wildest Scientific Studies We’ve Seen

Scientists can get a little freaky when the lab coats come off and the real hard work of gathering empirical evidence regarding sex and sexuality begins. Who knew science could be so sexy?

Today Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at some of the most memorable, wildest and hilarious scientific studies that we’ve reported on our show.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2921 – 2020: the Year of Hell (And This Time We Mean It)

The last podcast we made in 2019, titled “A Christmas Apocalypse,” looked back on the terrible things that happened in the past decade that we didn’t want to see ever again.

Boy were we naive!

Today comedian Brian Sweeney, our very own Oscar the Grouch, joins us to look at 2020, the real year of hell, and this time, we really mean it.

Listen as we look back on a nation divided, how fighting the Covid pandemic has been politicized and how the goodness in the heart of humanity will allow us to transcend even the most horrible disasters.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2911 – Checking Your Attitude for Gratitude

2020 has been a hell of a year. With the Covid pandemic raging on and Republicans pushing everything to the brink of collapse, it’s beyond ironic that the last show we did in 2019 with comedian Brian Sweeney was called “The Year of Hell” yet this year is definitely worse, or is it?

After all there’s nothing so rotten, that some good can’t come from it, we’ve had a pretty good election and with Georgia’s January runoff, progressive superstar Stacy Abrahms is now a key figure in the balance of power between Americans and facism.

Today our favorite grouch Brian Sweeney joins us to look at things we’re grateful for that did come to pass in 2020.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

Bonus: The Greatest Sissies of All Time

In most films effeminate men are portrayed as villains- sissies who are morally weak because of their homosexuality. But when its comes to comedy: sissies are heroes because they are the mistfits who have the courage to tell it like it is.

Today the faaaabulous Brian Sweeney joins me to take a look at some of the greatest sissies in culture and entertainment. Listen as we sissy that walk down memory lane as we look at Frank Nelson, the yeeeeeess man from the Lucy Show to Scott Thompson’s Buddy Cole from The Kids in the Hall.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF # 2867 – Brian Sweeney, Fred Willard and a Million Dollar Pencil

One of our favorite tv shows from the late 70s was NBC’s Real People, a celebration of everyday people doing extraordinary things like a guy who ate soil, a one-legged man who ran across Canada and a couple who owned a roadside store that offered a million dollar pencil for sale.

Real People was by an ensemble that included the recently departed comedian Fred Willard, the show put a spotlight on people’s triumphs and helped introduce eccentric goofballs like Richard Simmons.

Today Brian Sweeney breaks his silence to take a look at the life of comedy legend Fred Willard.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2815 – Christmas Apocalypse

2019 is at an end, and not a moment too soon. Today we wrap up the year by looking at the best and worst moments of the decade and check out things that were popular but didn’t survive.

Joining us to fa la la la la, la la la la are some of your favorite guests: Shannon Noll, whose had an incredible year with the debut of their award winning web series “Just Call Me Ripley,” comic Matt Brown who is hosting at the Comedy Bar from now till the end of January, and everyone’s favorite grumpy cat, comedian Brian Sweeney.

Posted in: Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 5 years ago 3

FOF #2808 – Brian Sweeney Looks at Christmas Horror Movies

You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I’m telling you why. Why?Why? Why can’t we just have a nice Christmas? Because Christmas can be scary, just look at some of our favorite Christmas movies- they will chill you to the bone.

Today the very funny Brian Sweeney is back with a vengeance to look at Christmas Horror movies we all love.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2739 – America’s Ass

Warning: The following podcast is chock full of spoilers!!! Oh snap! Marvel’s Endgame wraps up 11 years of movie storytelling with a janky time travel plot line and a fumbling farewell to some the biggest comic book superheroes of all time.

Today pop culture crank Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at Endgame, the final wrap up of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and what the future holds for superhero blockbuster films.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2730 – Endgame

The end is nigh! One of pop culture’s biggest phenomenons- the Marvel comic book film franchise is wrapping up all its movies in the new film, Endgame, coming next week.

Today amateur cultural anthropologist and comedian Brian Sweeney joins us to look at the incredible Marvel Film franchise concluding all the varied narratives in the upcoming film Endgame and #FreeBritney- why can’t Britney Spears be left alone?

Posted in: Podcast 5 years ago 0

FOF #2706 – The Horrific Origins of Valentine’s Day

While it may seem like just another cash grab by candy manufacturers, Valentine’s Day began in Greco-Roman times as a sadomasochistic fertility ritual and nowadays it is responsible for a lot of horrific clickbait relationship advice articles on the Internet.

Today Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at the dark and gruesome origins of Valentine’s Day and all the outrageous romantic advice blogs post to coincide with the holiday.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0