Here's the latest in the tag Calvin Klein

FOF #2507 – Underwear that’s Fun to Wear

In the early 80s, designer Calvin Klein used gorgeously muscular men to promote his underwear brand which turned an everyday undergarment into a sexualized fashion accessory that not only changed the way people think about underwear, but also how men look at their own bodies.

Joining us is comedian Carma Nibarger to talk about underpants and how women have managed over the centuries to corral their boobies – from corsets, to bullet bras, to letting it all hang out.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 7 years ago 2

FOF #1318 – My Sputnik Moment

Pleading for U-N-I-T-Y in a newly divided government during his State of the Union Address, the President asked lawmakers to move forward by comparing the country’s challenges to the Space Race of the 50s and 60s.

Join us today as we take a close look at the State of the Union Address, and try to figure out why so many female politicians like to wear red.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 11

Sexy CK Underwear Add Asks if You Want to See a Guy’s *Beep*

I love that hulu put on a commercial targeted at gay men! How do I know it’s for gay guys? Well, after asking you if you want to see his *beep* he then asks what […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Hunks, video 15 years ago 4