Here's the latest in the tag cody melcher

FOF #2407 – The Ashes of Truman Capote

Our friend, comedian Cody Melcher, is so obsessed with Truman Capote, the late writer best known for his books Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood, that he bid at auction to procure Capote’s remains.

Today, Cody Melcher joins us to talk about his job as a ghost tour guide and how we wanted to develop a reality TV show where he’d scatter Truman Capote’s ashes at historical literary sites.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 1

FOF #2369 – Thank You For Being a Friend

A devastating new study reveals that half of the nearest and dearest people in your life couldn’t care less if you lived or died, but that’s okay.

Today comedian Cody Melcher joins us to weigh in ways we sabotage our friendships and sort through how categorize our buddies, frenemies, BFFs or baes.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2358A – Will You Accept These Hoes?

LOGO TV announced they will debut a new Bachelor-esque style show called “Finding Prince Charming” where a gay male ‘bachelor’ allows 13 suitors to compete for his heart-on and it’s hosted by Lance Bass, who the The Onion AV Club called “America’s most boring gay man.”

Joining us today is comedian Cody Melcher to talk about why LGBT folks are clucking in distaste at the show’s ridiculous premise and why they feel the model/designer Sepúlveda is an obnoxious narcissist.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 4

FOF #2358B – Will You Accept These Hoes?

In part two of our podcast – “Will You accept These Hoes”” we continue chatting with Cody Melcher about why people are so quick to dislike the new reality series “Finding Prince Charming.”

Listen as we read a letter from a listener who says he had terrible sex with the star of the new reality TV show.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 1

FOF #2331 – Even Bears Get the Blues

There’s no doubt that bears have foraged for themselves a supportive community in the dark woods of the gay forest, but it’s not always a jamboree- a new study says that many bears suffer from low self-esteem.

Today comedian Cody Melcher joins us to look the perils and pleasures faced by the average gay bear and why Grumpy Bear was the smartest of all the Care Bears.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 4

FOF #2325 – Black is the New Green

In an unprecedented move, the U.S. Treasury announced they are removing slave owning President Andrew Jackson from the twenty dollar bill and replacing him with anti-slavery rebel Harriet Tubman. Suck it haters!

Today, comedian and American history aficionado Cody Melcher joins us to take a look why the new Tubman Twenties is huge and whether countries should put war criminals on their currency to never forget their atrocities.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 4

FOF #2303 – Wrestling, Bodybuilding and Fashion

As much as Americans love televised professional wrestling, many dismiss the sport by saying it’s “not real” and that the fights are less painful than they look. But nothing is quite as torturous as some of the wrestler’s fashion choices.

Today comedian Cody Melcher joins us to talk about fashion and televised wrestling. Cody, whose dad was a championship wrestler and bodybuilder, now writes about fashion in wrestling.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 3

FOF #2281A – Worst Houseguests Ever

We meet a lot of wonderful people in the home studio while taping this podcast, but sometimes guests go from being a dream to a nightmare.

Today we’re talking about the WORST houseguests ever! People who got too drunk, raunchy and wild on the show, and assholes who were just too damn rude.

Joining us is the very fabulous Cody Melcher, podcaster to the literary stars, who, like us, often has strangers in his home.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2281B – Worst Houseguests Ever

In part two of “Worst Houseguests Ever” with Cody Melcher we continue our discussion on terrible houseguests who can’t seem to find the toilet.

Plus, will Madonna allow her weave to get snatched in the new version of Valley of the Dolls?

And Kiki, the new Paris is Burning is taking Sundance by storm.

Posted in: Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2242 – Walking a Mile in a Drag Queen’s Heels

Our Halloween dressed as superhero versions of our favorite drag queens helped bring a little attention to Cooking with Drag Queens but we only have until Nov. 12 to make it happen.

Joining us is the fabulous Cody Melcher, who had us on his crazy book review podcast Thome Fooley, to talk about why religious fundamentalists feel threatened by LGBT folks using the rainbow as a symbol of liberation.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 9 years ago 0