Here's the latest in the tag DADT

VIDEO: Gay Soldier Comes Out to Pizza Man – LIVE

This video is dedicated to Randy Phillips, the gay solider who came out to his mom and dad, days after DADT was repealed. Thanks for coming out. You’re making the world a better place for your bravery and service to our country.

We hope this video gets his attention and we can get him on the show.

Posted in: People, Politics & Activism, Video Podcast, Videos 13 years ago 9

PHOTO: Does Fausto Look Like Randy Phillips, the Gay Solider Who Came Out to His Dad?

The internet is in love with Randy Philips, the solider stationed in Afghanistan who famously came out to his dad and mom, live on YouTube. We figured since Randy’s video has been such a hit […]

Posted in: Images, People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 4

VIDEO: Republicans Boo Gay Soldier, Santorum Bombs

A soldier serving in Iraq asked Santorum at a debate about the repeal of DADT and the audience booed the soldier for being gay. Santorum’s response was to call the repeal of DADT a social […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 3

VIDEO: ABC Interviews Airman Who Came Out To Dad on Youtube

ABC interviewed the airmen that recorded his life under DADT and came out to his father on Youtube. The airmen sure seemed a whole lot more relaxed!

Posted in: Television, Videos 13 years ago 2

FOF #1444 – You Can’t Stop the Beat

Today is a glorious day, as the nation finally repeals Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and ends decades of oppression over gay, lesbian and bisexual people serving in the military.

Join us as we salute warriors everywhere, from the battlefields to the dance floors and examine how the repeal of DADT will profoundly impact everyone’s lives.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Podcast 13 years ago 4

VIDEO: Soldier Comes Out to His Dad

No Title No Description Pretty moving! Soldier @areyousurprised comes out to his father in Alabama after the repeal of DADT. You may have seen his previous videos where he talks about being in the military […]

Posted in: Videos 13 years ago 5

FOF #1440 – America’s Proud Gay Marine

On Tuesday September 20th, the U.S. will officially end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” a policy that has made life hell for gay, lesbian, or bisexual people serving in the military.

Today we’re talking to Corporal Edward Clayton, America’s Proud Gay Marine, who was discharged from the Marines in 1987 before DADT was even implemented to talk about the new set of challenges for those who serve this country.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Politicians/Activists 13 years ago 5

Get It Straight from a Soldier

DADT may be repealed this month, but the Army is still “straight acting.”

Posted in: Images 13 years ago 1

Obama certifies end of military’s gay ban, DADT over in 60 days

Gays and lesbians military folks will no longer need to keep their orientation secret. Today President Obama formally signed off on edting the bans on gays serving open in the U.S. military, doing away with […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 5

Drag Queen Named “Forces Sweetheart” in UK

Cookie Monstar, a London drag queen has been named “Forces Sweetheart” for entertaining the British troops. She’s not the first drag queen to perform for the troops but she is the first man to be […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans 14 years ago 1