Here's the latest in the tag DADT

FOF #2941 – A Gay Marine’s Story of Surviving War, Cancer & Journalism

At the young age of 17, James Curry hoped to escape a hostile home by enlisting in the Marines, and ended up right in the middle of the terrible War in Iraq.

Today, Peabody award winning journalist and writer James Curry joins us to talk about his new book Staying Alive: Surviving Abuse, Fighting a War and Beating Cancer- My First Twenty-Five Years.

James survived his tour of duty by hiding being gay under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, but then after returning to civilian life, lost his first boyfriend and ended up homeless.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 2

FOF #2797 – The Scoop on Miss Kitty Litter

As the oldest drag queen yet to compete on a reality TV show, Kitty Litter didn’t know quite what to expect when she got on Camp Wannakiki, a web series where queens compete for the title of “Queen of Camp.”

Today Kitty Litter, the sassy southern gal from Camp Wannakiki joins us to talk about her adventures on the show and about that time she got arrested, and not just for stealing people’s hearts.

FOF #1664 – Paris Hilton Says the Darndest Things

The very funny Brian Sweeney joins to talk about why we might want to listen to Pairs HIlton when she says “Ewww! Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They’re disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS” because because if anyone knows how to be disgusting and get AIDS, it’s her.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 9

FOF #1587 – Donna Summer’s Last Dance

Today we reflect on the life and music of Donna Summer, the Queen of Disco, whose work was the soundtrack to the lives of many gay men.

What do the lyrics mean in “MacArthur Park,” considered one of one of the strangest songs ever in pop music? Why did Donna seem to have a fascination with sex workers?

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, Podcast 12 years ago 4

FOFA #1506 – Randy Phillips Comes Out to the World

Just hours after “DADT” was repealed, U.S. airman Randy Phillips videotaped his coming out to his father over the phone and posted it on YouTube. Today, we talk to Randy about the video that made him a Youtube sensation and put a human face to end of the discriminatory DADT.

FOF #1506 – Randy Phillips Comes Out to the World

Just hours after “DADT” was repealed, U.S. airman Randy Phillips videotaped his coming out to his father over the phone and posted it on YouTube. Today, we talk to Randy about the video that made him a Youtube sensation and put a human face to end of the discriminatory DADT.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, YouTube Celebrities 13 years ago 15

Ask Randy Phillips- the gay solider who came out to his family on YouTube ANYTHING!

A lot has happened since then, Randy is busy cultivating a following as a video blogger and been covering the topics of tolerance, identity, food and fitness. It seems Randy is looking and doing great. — Ask him anything!

Posted in: Ask The Guest 13 years ago 6

FOF #1489 – Laugh It Off

Rapper T.I. is under fire for saying in an interview that gay people are “too sensitive” and “not American” in a response to the outrage over Tracy Morgans anti-gay jokes. How can you be the butt of other people’s jokes and enjoy laughing at yourself without becoming a doormat for haters?

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism, Self Improvement 13 years ago 5

FOFA #1465 – Coco Peru is a Very Nice Person

Join us today as we talk with the hilarious Coco Peru. Coco’s put together a brand new one woman show, “There Comes a Time” where she looks back at 20 years of being a drag queen entertainer and gives us a peek into her future.

FOF #1465 – Coco Peru is a Very Nice Person

Join us today as we talk with the hilarious Coco Peru. Coco’s put together a brand new one woman show, “There Comes a Time” where she looks back at 20 years of being a drag queen entertainer and gives us a peek into her future.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 13 years ago 9