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FOF #2704 – The Sex Appeal of a Banana Split

One of most outrageous sex scenes in Hollywood is in the film 9½ Weeks where Mickey Rourke slathers Kim Basinger with all kinds of sticky food in front of the open refrigerator door.

Some folks find it sexy and others proclaim ”what a mess!”

Today we take a look at aphrodisiacs in food and sex. What’s in your kitchen that will make your bedroom hot as an oven?

Posted in: Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2451 – Vappy Halentine’s Gay

LGBT folks come in all shapes and colors, even shades of miserable, conservative beige. A gay journalist who says he used to be liberal is now saying he’s ready to come out as conservative, claiming he’s a victim of all the outrage over his article on a alt-right gay scammer whose attempt at pissing people off is putting money in his pocket.

Today we’re taking a look at the few but miserable lgbt folks who for some reason, are hot for Trump, Bannon and Putin’s Nazi dong.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 2

FOF #2059 – Love Your Food

We care a lot about food and rightfully so. Besides feeding our bodies, food strengthens our relationships with others when we gather at the table to share a meal and in many ways defines who we are.

Today we take a look at our complicated mixed-up relationship with food, umami the fifth element of taste, and how to enjoy what you eat by making your meals delicious.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 2

FOF #1604 – Susan Powter Fights to Stop the Insanity

After all these years, Susan Powter is still working to help people eat well and get into shape. She’s taking on the corporations that shove junk foods down our throats and coming out against the fat acceptance movement.

Remember Susan’s catch phrase “Stop the Insanity”? Well the insanity never stopped.

VIDEO: My Leg Workout- Scott Herman

Once you begin to feel comfortable with the weights, it is time to increase the intensity of your workout! You need to “shock” your body at times or else it will get used to doing […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People, Videos 13 years ago 0

FOF #1438 – Eye of the Tigress

There’s no hiding in the closet when you are a six foot, one inch, 230 pound trans bodybuilder, so why not just bust out and be all you can be!

Today we’re talking to trans body builder Chris Tina Bruce who just started a gym and now after almost 20 years she’s competing again in bodybuilding, but this time in the women’s category.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Health & Wellness, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 5

FOFA #1246 – Scott Herman Explores Ten Reasons Why You’re Not in the Shape You Want to Be

Fitness expert and reality TV hunk Scott Herman joins us take a look at ways you may be sabotaging yourself, why too much fruit is not good for you, how getting mad makes you fat, booze, muscle memory and the myth of discipline.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Podcast 14 years ago 0

FOF #1246 – Scott Herman Explores Ten Reasons Why You’re Not in the Shape You Want to Be

Fitness expert and reality TV hunk Scott Herman joins us take a look at ways you may be sabotaging yourself, why too much fruit is not good for you, how getting mad makes you fat, booze, muscle memory and the myth of discipline.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Video Bloggers 14 years ago 8