Here's the latest in the tag dog

Image of Jesus found on Dog

If you’ve been looking for Jesus, I think someone over on Reddit found him….on his dogs butthole!

Posted in: Animals 13 years ago 3

Amazing Dog Video!

Dog Catapult! Vitalic: Poney Part I

Posted in: Animals, Culture & Style, Videos 14 years ago 1

VIDEO: Busy Dog

Just watching this dog work makes me tired!

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 0

Woman Wins Dog Lookalike Contest

Who knew they had a a dog lookalike contest?

Posted in: Animals 14 years ago 0

Dogs Escape Pen

Some dogs are leaders and some are followers.

Posted in: Animals 14 years ago 0

Cat Lassie Doesn’t Care

It’s a good thing that Lassie was a dog, cuz if it was a Cat Timmy would be dead by now! Timmy always getting into predicaments that he couldn’t get out of, I swear he […]

Posted in: Animals, Television, video, Videos 14 years ago 5

Dog Hates Getting the Bird

This dog really doesn’t like getting the finger.

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 3

The Dog Washing Machine From Japan

You can also use it for your cat. 🙂

Posted in: Animals, Trends, video 15 years ago 8

FOF #1134 – Suit Fetish

Everybody likes a well dressed man or woman, it seems Tiger Woods loves both. Playboy model Loredana Jolie revealed that Tiger isn’t “normal” because he likes having sex for hours & loves to see guys and gals go gay while he wears a suit.

Plus, Kirstie Allie’s new twitter flame war, Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address, the Chinese government drafts a law to jail people who eat dogs and cats, Robotic Groundhog Day and thousands of queer folks in Australia to pose nude for photographer Spencer Tunicks.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Podcast 15 years ago 9