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Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter’s Love Story in Black and White

Onstage, Eartha Kitt was as Orson Wells called her, “The Most Exciting Woman in the World” but the one thing Eartha really wanted in life, after suffering an abusive upbringing in the South, was to be a mother.

That wish came true with the birth of her only daughter Kitt who grew up to be Eartha’s greatest life companion. Today Kitt Shapiro joins us to look back on the amazing life she shared with her mom as detailed in her new book “Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter’s Love Story in Black and White.”

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 2 years ago 0

FOF #2956 – Translocas: Puerto Rican Art Gender Warriors

With the high visibility of drag queens on TV and social media and (even this podcast) there’s an idea that drag is just another form of show business, but it’s so much more. For Puerto […]

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 3

FOF #2948 – Loving: A Collection of Photos of Men in Love Transcends Time

“Love is love” became the rally cry of the modern LGBTQ+ movement, declaring that love is universal among all people. But in the past, the love that dared not speak its name found other ways to express itself in photography.

Thankfully, photograph collectors and real life married couple Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell have uncovered thousands of intimate photos of same male sex couples, many of which are featured in their new book: Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s.

Today Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell join us to take a look at these marvelous photographs from their book Loving and untangle the secret codes men had for expressing love and intimacy.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

FOF #2944 – Linda Simpson’s Drag Explosion

In the mid 80s, at the height of the AIDS crisis, New York City experienced a drag revolution. In the center of the action was drag queen Linda Simpson, who took pictures of all the kooky kids in the club scene with her portable camera.

Today, Linda Simpson gives us a look into her new book The Drag Explosion, her queer underground magazine My Comrade and why we still feel all these years later the shockwaves of the Drag Explosion.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 3 years ago 1

FOF #2943 – Steven Thrasher: The Viral Underclass

During the early months of the Coronavirus Pandemic, folks were comparing it to the Spanish Flu of 1918, saying that at the end of the pandemic, it would be just like the Roaring 20s all over again- we’d roll our stockings down, rouge up our knees and all that jazz.

So why don’t we feel like dancing the Charleston just yet?

Today, Dr. Steven Thrasher, professor of journalism and LGBTQ Health at Northwestern University joins us to look at the Coronavirus pandemic and the changes we’ve experienced since he last visited with us a year ago.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

What Would Joan Crawford Say if She Were Alive Today?

Most people credit Faye Dunaway for turning Joan into a high camp icon that’s still on everyone’s mind, even though Miss Crawford died in 1977.

Today, writer John Hamilton joins us to talk about his new book Mommie Smearest, which brings the Hollywood legend back from the grave to comment on the superficial nature of celebrity.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

FOF #2941 – A Gay Marine’s Story of Surviving War, Cancer & Journalism

At the young age of 17, James Curry hoped to escape a hostile home by enlisting in the Marines, and ended up right in the middle of the terrible War in Iraq.

Today, Peabody award winning journalist and writer James Curry joins us to talk about his new book Staying Alive: Surviving Abuse, Fighting a War and Beating Cancer- My First Twenty-Five Years.

James survived his tour of duty by hiding being gay under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, but then after returning to civilian life, lost his first boyfriend and ended up homeless.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 2

FOF #2939 – It’s A Sin: The Women Who Helped the World Survive the AIDS Crisis

Russell T Davies’ “It’s a Sin” captures the youthful joy of being gay and the pain of the AIDS crisis, but it also contains harmful HIV and AIDS tropes.

While watching the series, we were struck with how much the character of Jill Baxter reminded us of Victoria Noe who came on Feast of Fun to talk about her book “Fag Hags, Divas and Moms: The Legacy of Straight Women in the AIDS Community.”

Today writer Victoria Noe joins us to take a look at Russel T Davies’ miniseries “It’s a Sin” and what it was like for her during AIDS crisis.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

It’s a Sin: the Wonder Women of the AIDS Crisis

Although many moms, sisters, healthcare workers, scientists, friends and Hollywood stars like Liz Taylor played an important role in the fight against AIDS, these incredible women are often forgotten by history.

Today writer Victoria Noe joins us to take a look at the wonder women who fought back and fought AIDS that are featured in her new book “Fag Hags, Divas and Moms: The Legacy of Straight Women in the AIDS Community.”

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 0

FOF #2913 – St Sukie de la Croix’s Very British Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a little fairy named Sukie who grew up to see his world change through the impact of Stonewall and the rise of the modern gay rights movement, the AIDS crisis, and the rule of the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Today St Sukie de la Croix lifts the veil on his mysterious persona and tells us of his early upbringing in a working class family in post WWII England and partying with Princess Margaret.

Listen as we chat with Sukie about his new book “The Memoir of a Groucho Marxist: A Very British Fairy Tale” which takes us on a magical realist journey throughout his childhood.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0