Here's the latest in the tag funny

VIDEO: Dildo at the Baggage Claim

Paging Peaches Christ, you left your dildo in the baggage claim area. Please pick it up. Would have been nice to see the faces of people instead of the sad lonely dildo nobody will ever […]

Posted in: Videos 11 years ago 4

FOFA #1113 – Incredibly Strange Christmas Music, Vol. 2

Christmas is so bizarre- the loud colors, the strange rituals and the omnipotent bearded Santa all lend a special psychedelic flavor to the winter months.

Listen to our annual collection of lesser known Incredibly Strange Christmas Music. Buy the music and make a trashy Christmas mix CD!

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Music, Podcast 12 years ago 7

VIDEO: Star Wars as Read by Pinky & Porky Pig

Emerald City Comic Con apparently was to place to be for Star Wars & TV Cartoon fans alike. Above are voice actors like Pinky (from Pinky and the Brain), Yakko and Wakko (from Animaniacs), Bender (Futurama), and Cartman (South […]

Video: Hysterical Horror Trailer

“It’s exactly what you think it is.”

Posted in: Movies, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Jillian Michael’s Parody

This is Ryan with 300 words (or less) to make your 4th of July fantastic with a new work video you can do on your day off of work the 30 Days Fed. This progressive […]

Posted in: Embed, Health & Wellness 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Egg Porn: Who’s Excited for Easter?

If you don’t think Easter is gay, watch this clip.  It might change your mind. Possibly NSFW.  Definitely funny.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Food & Drink, Images 13 years ago 5

VIDEO: I Blame ”Black Swan” for This!

In the words of Joel Bryant, “If I masterbate more, I’ll be a better dancer.”

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, People, Videos 14 years ago 2

VIDEO: Alien vs Predator in the Shower

Will there ever be peace with Aliens and Predators?

Posted in: Science Facts & Fiction, Videos 14 years ago 0

Dear Blank Please Blank

This is Ryan with 300 words (or less) to make your Monday a little less taxing with a hilarious website I was shown by a friend. Dear 2012, No pressure, but it’s all up to […]

Posted in: People, Trends 14 years ago 0

Ridiculous Popcorn Sex

A few FOF episodes back, Marc  mentioned something about a porn with an ear of corn that turned into popcorn.  This isn’t exactly porn, but a scene from the deliciously camp “best worst movie of […]

Posted in: Food & Drink, Movies, video 14 years ago 1